Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the Longing

the Lord your God is with you

Lying in bed at night with your eyes open,wondering if anyone is thinking of you. Searching for that one who will love you the way you need to be loved. Blinking back tears as you seek and then you hurt. Compromising for less than you looked for because you think you have to. Losing trust in everyone and everything. Grappling for the hope that true affection exists.

He is mighty to save

There is an odd hole in the human heart. Not one that you can see or poke your finger through. It is a deep and dark and empty place. It is this void that makes the poets fill their paper with words and singers spit out lyrics that become melodies that become hits. It is not something that is very talked about. This thought that every person is somehow broken. That, when you look clearly, life is merely a quest to fix the broken thing inside. And that most attempts to do so end in heartache and the cycle of searching repeats itself.

He will take great delight in you

This missing element inside each being is not as complex and confusing as it seems. She wants to be loved. He wants to be loved. I want to be loved. You want to be loved. It is as simple as that. And all of us desire a flawless and unconditional love that we can't seem to locate.

He will quiet you with His love

My view of God has changed alot over the past year. I remember the days I would feel sad and hopeless and I would hear a sweet whisper in my ear,"I want to fill that void you have. I want you for my own. Let me love you." This was the voice of God. He wanted to be closer to me than my family and friends. He wanted to have a romance with me.

He will rejoice over you with singing

For me and for all of us who long to be truly loved, there is a God. A God who whispers in your ear. A God who is protective of you. A God who will hold you. A God who promises you can trust Him and then doesn't let you down. A Zephaniah 3:17 God. A God who knows when to listen and when to speak. A God who adequately fills the void in hearts and satisfies the longing to be loved. A God who wants a romance with you.


KevinConnell said...

Great post! God really does want to love us like that. He didn't just die for another soul, He died so we could intimatley be with Him forever - starting here.

Aaron Caulder said...

Nothing better than a Romance with God! I am glad your back to the blogging world. Great thought!!

Will said...

We see in life many of use spend so much time longing after God. But only he is always their wanting on you to to come to him . The bible says that God is always with us. But we need to focus and try to hear his small voice and i believe we just need to focus on him.

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